Denver is fun, beautiful and a great place to live. I haven't really made too many friends yet, and Nate spends a good part of his day with dead bodies, but I'm not too lonely. It's been a little boring because I still don't have a job, and job hunting is the WORST. But the good news for today is I finally got a job!
It's a fun one, working at an elementary school as a school librarian. That's right, I am basically Mrs. Van Horn for Brush College alumni. They are too poor to hire a real librarian so I get to be the one to manage things. It's also only about four miles away so Nate and I will both be commuting via bicycle. And the best part about it is it has school vacation time. So I get a long Christmas break and get to come home for longer. And I just found out Kaisa and family are coming home Christmas as well! I could not be more excited about this.
Nate's done a good job chronicling our adventures so far but he's left out some of the more interesting parts. On the day we climbed Grays Peak we forgot our sunglasses and when applying lotion I missed a good chunk around my eyes (raccoon style). Sadly, my eyes and a mask-like portion of my face were horribly sunburned. I looked like a demon and was pretty snowblind and could only see blurily. Then I had to go to church and teach some 6-7 year olds about making wise choices. I'm pretty sure they thought I was a monster. We took some photos, but somehow they disappeared. What a tragedy.
And since posts aren't as fun without photos, here are some of Washington Park last Sunday:
Our normal park is City Park (only 2 1/2 blocks away) but we switched it up and biked around Washington Park for the Sunday afternoon. Denver really has the most beautiful parks with lakes and animals and winding trails. City Park definitely deserves its own post and Nate will probably oblige sometime in the future.
Our bikes. Mine is a craigslist steal for $10.
Nate is really quite a good amateur photographer. Might the Olsens have another Matt on their hands? I can only hope.