Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New England/Quebec Road Trip Summer 2012

Here are a few pictures from our backpacking trip in the Wild River Wilderness of New Hampshire, traveling around Quebec, and a second backpacking trip on Downeast Maine's Cutler Coast.


Jim Gebhard said...

Ollie looks tired and content riding home in the back seat. Must have been a great trip

g.ghepardo said...

Backpacking and hiking is so much more fun with Ollie around. We'll miss her (and you guys) as we hike some 14ers this fall.

Ann said...

oh wow! how gorgeous! Looks like lots of hardwoods, vs the fir we have here. What a diverse and beautiful country we have. I've always wanted to see the Maine coastline. Ollie loves to hike and camp! Are you exhausted? Call and tell me more.

Debbie said...

WOW! I LOVED these photos. You are seriously talented photographers! Vance and I miss you guys SO much. Come back... please?! I hope that intern ear is going well for both of you. It looks like you are definitely seeing the sites! :) These hiking pictures made me nostalgic for our hike at Mnt. Bierstadt.